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WISE Coach Club


Welcome to WISE Coach Club!

Join WISE Coach Club & Wednesday Wellness Coaching for free!
WCC Club will prepare you to coach and consult your own clients with and without your horses.  We love supporting our clients as they support theirs!

Unique collaborative trainings that support equine assisted coaching practitioners happen weekly in the Private Facebook Group. 

Once a project is finished we will start on a new equine assisted activity resource.  

Bonus!  First Friday Training & Resource Sessions!  We meet at 7pm EST to support out clients with a new training and challenge!  We also use this time to give you time to coach one another if you are interested in being in the hotseat!  It is always fun and lively and full of great discussion.  All sessions are recorded for your convenience.

We collaboratively write equine assisted activities, programs and curriculum to support you as you coach your clients. 

We have a lot of programs written for you already!  Some include:

  • PTSD 
  •  At Risk Youth
  • Middle School Aged Girls Health and Wellness
  • Mindfulness
  • Decision Making
  • Grief and Loss
  • Friendship (Children)
  • Emotions (Children)
  • And a lot more!

As a bonus members have access to our Online to Equine Training.  


We are excited to have you in our herd!


*Please make sure you subscribe to our email list so you don't miss any important announcements about your WCC membership.